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Monday, July 31, 2017

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 5&6 - 31 JULY 2017

The first game of Term 3 was an absolute cracker! It was a tight, fiercely fought game where all the players gave it their best. The defenders played a solid game and marked the opposition, thereby limiting their options. The strikers played hard and took advantage of the limited opportunities they were given. We ended up losing 4-2 and Player of the Day was Rosie Roberts for her excellent defensive work and positional play.
Training for the both the Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 Flippa Ball teams will take place on Fridays at the Leisure Centre from 4:00 to 5:00pm.  
Chris Donovan 

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 3&4 - 31 JULY 2017

The first game of Flippa Ball for Term 3 took place last night. Everyone played really well and stuck to their given positions. The strikers did more moving and sharing of the ball, making sure the opposition didn't get the ball before taking a shot at goal. The defenders worked well together, blocking all of the oppositions shots with the help of our wonderful goalies. We won 6-nil and Player of the Day went to Brooke Oliver.
Lara McColl - Yr 11 Student Coach


Basketball will resume this week. Training will be held at Wentworth Primary on Sunday at 9.00am.

Miniball will resume this week.

Mrs Clark - Sports Co-Ordinator


Our game this coming Thursday is at 6.55pm, against Gulf Harbour, on court 3. Please can we meet up at 6.35pm for a quick warm up.  Keep practising your shooting at lunchtimes and at home.  You never know when you may have to step up and play a Shooting position.
Netball trainings will be at lunchtime on Mondays.  Please bring your PE kit and netball shoes to train in. Thank you!
Mrs Clark


A special mention must go to our Flippaball sporting heroes. We have Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 Flippa Ball teams that compete in the Sunday League at the Leisure Centre. After not losing a game all Term, ehe Years 3&4 team won their final game to place first overall. The Years 5&6 team were playing for 3rd place but lost and came 4th overall. For a small school these are a great set of results.  Well done to our sporting stars!
Chris Donovan

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 5&6 - 24 JULY 2017

We played for 3rd & 4th place and were undone losing 12-3, which was our biggest losing margin for the term. The opposition played a good game and were able to get behind our defenders and find open space to shoot goals. Nevertheless our defenders and strikers never gave up and were forced to make some changes when our goalie, James, was injured. Player of the Day was Ben who worked hard in defence and then slotted into goalie to cover for an injury.
Training for the both the Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 Flippa Ball teams will take place on Fridays at the Leisure Centre from 4:00 to 5:00pm.  The first training will be Friday 28 July.
Chris Donovan 

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 3&4 - 24JULY 2017

The Years 3&4 team came first in the Term 2 Sunday league competition with a 8-0 win in the final. Everyone played really well and deserved the win. The strikers worked hard at keeping the ball down their end to shoot and the defenders did an excellent job of stopping the opposition. Player of the Day went to Kahn and Xavier for playing so well in their positions.
Lara McColl - Yr 11 Student Coach

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 5&6 - 26 JUNE 2017

This week’s challenge for the whole team was to play an intelligent game, and I am pleased to say that is exactly what they did. The defenders closed down the opposition and limited shooting opportunities, Jahn was an excellent goalie; he defended well and was able to clear the ball to the strikers. The strikers communicated well and were able to create space to allow them to shoot at goal. Wentworth won 6-2.  Players of the Day were Jahn Komorowski for his goal keeping and Rosie Roberts for her relentless defence. Well done.
The final training for the season will take place on Friday, 30 June.
Chris Donovan 

FLIPPA BALL - YRS 3&4 - 26 JUNE 2017

We had a pretty tough semi-final game. During the first half everyone was a bit off, but the second half improved with a bit of extra motivation.  Everyone played really well and we came off with a win 3-1, sending us through to the final playing for First Place. In the first half the strikers passed the ball between themselves a lot and had many attempts at goal but failing to get any in. The defenders managed to stop the opposition scoring in their few attempts, leaving the score nil all. In the second half the strikers did more moving, creating space and had some successful shots, and the defenders did well again at stopping the opposition from scoring. Player of the Day went to Amy Akehurst.
Lara McColl - Yr 11 Student Coach


This week was another win for the Years 3&4 Miniball team, winning 5-2 against Stanmore Bay. Well done! The Rockets were great at passing to one another and setting up goals. The Rockets also showed off their dribbling skills as they moved the ball quickly away from their opposition.
Xavier Melhop was the Player of the Day this week, for showcasing some amazing defence skills and shooting some good goals. Good for you Xavier!
By Ethan Jordan.
Mrs Clark - Sports Co-Ordinator


This week was another loss for Wentworth, at 14-8. Jared, Josh, Austin and Ben were our goal scorers this week, although everyone worked well as a team to help set up the goals. We really need to work on our defence and remembering to get into position and jump for the ball during rebounds. The whole team was the Player of the Day this week as everyone had a great game.
By Corbus and Alex.
Basketball training will be held at Wentworth Primary on Sunday at 9.00am.


The Stars continued to shine brightly during their cold and late game on Thursday night.  It was as though the ball was on a string as it threaded between the opposition players and our defensive pressure ensured we snaffled a lot of their lost ball.  Excellent connections between players on attack meant that our shooters were fed clean and quick ball which was quickly capitalised on and turned into points.  The final score was 10-6 to our Wentworth Stars!  Players of the Day were Tina Lee and Rosa Clark.  Congratulations on an excellent game in GS Rosa.  Your accurate shooting was integral to the Stars' success!  Excellent defensive pressure Tina and your passes had pin-point accuracy - great job!
Netball trainings will be at lunchtime on Mondays & Thursdays.  Please bring your PE kit and netball shoes to train in. Thank you!
Mrs Clark