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Monday, September 12, 2016


The first day of Spring was heralded by the sound of many feet in Shakespear Park as the Interschools’ Cross-Country Run took place. We fielded four students from the Primary: Maddie Rist; Austin McAlpine; Annie Duncan and Emily Treble. We were able to support our College Years 7/8 team, who performed extremely well in their respective races and were able to pass on some tips for the tough terrain ahead. Despite some nerves, our runners did a fantastic job, pacing themselves sensibly to leave enough energy for a sprint finish, with Austin and Emily winning their particular battles for the finish line.
Placings: Maddie (29th); Emily (21st); Annie (retired due to injury) and Austin (9th). Each race had well over 50 runners and the competition was extremely tough.
Well done to all our runners.

Miss Sancto